Week beginning 14th May 2018

What an amazing week year 5 have had..

As part of our Maya topic, we have been letting our creative juices flow!


We have been studying the Maya flag and the meanings behind the design and the colours. After that we designed our own flags and thought about the significance of the patterns and colour. Miss Anderson was really impressed with our final designs! After that we used felt and scissors to glue out designs to the front of out flags we then sewed them using a running stitch and made them into small cushions, with a flag design on one side.

Here are some examples of the sewing process…


We surprised ourselves with how good we were!!


We have also been studying other forms of Maya art, such as frescoes, which are murals  discovered by archaeologists, which give us clues about the Maya civilisation:


We then design our own frescoes and used the dip-dye technique to create our backgrounds…next week we will sew on our Maya people to the design. Here are some examples of the dip-dye technique in action…


As we all know about Saturday’s forth coming nuptials, we have been geeting rather excited and preparing to celebrate. In year 5 we have researched information about Meghan Markle. First we recorded this as notes and then typed our plan into a final copy of our BIOGRAPHIES. Miss Anderson was thrilled with the results. Well done year 5- Meghan would be proud!!

These biographies will look amazing on the whole school display!


We are starting to prepare for our forthcoming party on Friday, to celebrate the wedding. Year 5 are in charge of creating fruit cocktail sticks. Keep up the good work, boys!! 

We look forward to tomorrow’s party and wish Meghan and Harry every happiness!!

Week beginning 23.4.18

What an excellent week in Year 5!! the children have worked so hard and we have all enjoyed it so much that Miss Anderson ran out of pirate reward coins, as she gave out so many!! WELL DONE EVERYONE!!

We have had a very important session this week which involved the NSPCC, to follow up from our assembly from last week. After the session, they actually commented on just how mature year 5 were, in handling the somewhat sensitive discussions. Miss Anderson could not have been more proud of us!

Here is a flavour of what the workshop involved…



That is the important phrase that we learned and will remember to always keep ourselves and each other safe.

This is what we thought…

” The NSPCC were very understanding.” (Lucy)

“They told us how to help ourselves with any problem we had.” ( Kalib)

” They showed us the number of Child-line in case we have any problems:

0800 11 11 (Ava)

“I felt like I could talk about any problem after the session.” (Talia)

“They said we can ring Child-line for even the smallest problem.” (Abigail)




Week Beginning 16th April

Welcome back!! We hope you all had a fantastic Easter break. The children have come back refreshed and full of enthusiasm for learning- which is great!

We have just started transforming our classroom to launch our new topic, THE MIGHTY MAYANS!  We have so many questions and are already excited about our learning. We have worked hard all week, using our creative juices to transform our classroom to reflect the topic.

We have painted our back drop, as a Maya scene, which will be used to display our fantastic work outcomes, from all areas of the curriculum. We are also working hard on our role play area, which is slowly transforming into Maya architecture- a pyramid!

Well done girls- It’s coming along nicely!

Can you see the pyramid starting to take shape? Watch this space…

Fractions have been so tricky this week, but we are really starting to understand them now and actually enjoy them!!

We have started to be super independent in editing and revising our writing, using CUPS and ARMS!! We know how to mark and improve our writing now- just look at the concentration!!


Week beginning 26.3.18


Miss Anderson is so proud of all of us! We have been working so hard on our cycling skills during our BIKEABILITY course! Not only have we been cycling and learning all about road safety on our bikes, but also on foot. We learned the GREEN CROSS CODE, which is so important!!

On the course we learned about road safety out on the roads… and how better to learn this than in real life!!


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Here’s what we thought…

It was amazing- Ruby S

It was stressful- Amelia K

We know how to do U-turns- Amelia B

It was really fun! Talia

The people were helpful- Rebecca 

The coaches were really nice and it was fun!- Lucy

The teachers were lovely and spectacular!- Ava

It was fun going down the hills- Abigail

It was so much fun! Lydia

It was spectacular!! Christopher

Week beginning 19.3.18

This week we have experienced our first whole  class debate on the pros and cons of Fair Trade. We became really passionate and justified out comments with evidence we had researched about the subject. What are your thoughts on Fair Tarde? Do you agree that it is worthwhile or do the farmers not really make that much money on such expensive products?


Here we are in action during the debate…


In maths we are really loving the challenge of learning about fractions! We have surprised ourselves at how much we are enjoying them…. We can now tell you all about improper and mixed fractions, and even solve problems about them! We are looking forward to learning more next week.!

Week beginning 19.2.18

Welcome back- we hope you all had an excellent half term!

This week we have been working our socks off completing assessments- all done now!


This is our title for our new topic. Can you guess what it is? FAIRTRADE!!

We have started off our topic by discussing what we think this means and where we have seen the fairtrade logo in our everyday lives. We had a very interesting discussion following a video, which explained exactly what fairtrade means and why it is so important to us. Here are some of our quotes….

“Fairtrade is important in supporting the farmers because they do all of the hard work.” (Amelia Bittlestone)

“It is important for the Farmers to have a  regular income because they need to plan for the future so they can stay safe and healthy.” (Abigail Dews)

” We can help by looking for the Fairtrade symbol on products and try to buy them.” (Cameron Charlesworth)


Week Beginning 5.2.18

We have had a fabulous, creative week in year 5!

To end our Awesome Africa topic we designed, made and evaluated our own African clay animals (to awesome African background music!!). The animals ranged from Lions to Springboks to Armadillos to Meerkats…. and even an Ostrich with the most challenging legs! A very messy but extremely creative week. We have flown all the way from ‘Penshaw Plains Travel’ to Africa …. and back! What an experience!

And here are some of our finished products!!! An elegant Ostrich designed and made by Talia. A very regal lion designed and made by Ava. And a magnificent springbok designed and made by Abigail!


Week beginning 29.1.18

This week we have compared life in African schools to our own and we had an imaginary conversation with an African child- we all had so much fun doing this! Here is an example:


Well done Brad- this was your fantastic conversation with Edinane!

We have also been adding lots of other work to our on-going class display (of which we are very proud!)





Week Beginning 22.1.18

This week we have been learning about African way of life and how this compares to our own. The children felt lucky that they did not have to go to an outside toilet!! They also realised that they are lucky that they do not have their lessons outside and that our classrooms have glass windows and heating! They have written some excellent comparisons for our classroom  display.

During our English lessons we have worked on some very technical vocabulary skills, and are now experts in adding parenthesis to our writing. We are ready to plan our non-chronological report and write the final draft. We cannot wait as we have worked hard on our research and writing skills…….watch this space!


Well done to Lucy- an excellent report!


The children were all given a copy of our exciting homework projects! So far the standard has been good and there has been an array of different projects returned. This includes African lemon cake, which we all loved eating!

If you have not yet returned any projects please ensure that you complete some soon, and return them to school.

Here are some examples of the fantastic work that has been submitted